Pam Ramirez’s 28-Day Challenge

“The way I felt before FitCampLA, I was ‘pretty ok’ but the real question was, ‘was I happy with my weight and where I was?’ and the answer was NO. I wasn’t content with my weight.

Once I started coming to FitCampLA I really started to see results and I felt great! And then I joined the FitCampLA 28-Day Challenge [FitCampLA Whittier Challenge — FitCampLA Norwalk Challenge] and that has COMPLETELY just changed my life. I am down fifteen pounds and still counting. The challenge has taught me discipline with what I eat, my food intake, and accountability — always making sure that I’m here and I show up to the sessions.

I love So many things about FitCampLA and one of the things that I really love and enjoy is the workouts! It’s great to just come in and see everything set up for you and you just dedicate about an hour of your day to come in and get a workout. All the people here are amazing, you build friendships, everyone gives each other high fives, good energy, and good vibes and I just really enjoy working out here. The music is awesome too! 

Another thing I really love about FitCampLA is the coaches. They put a lot of time and dedication into what they’re doing and you can totally see it when you come into the workout. My experience here at FitCampLA has been AMAZING! 

So if you’re watching this video and you’re thinking about ‘maybe joining,’ [FitCampLA Whittier Challenge — FitCampLA Norwalk Challenge] I really really encourage you guys to join. FitCampLA is just the place to be! I highly recommend it and they definitely change lives because they’ve changed mine.”

Pam Ramirez is one of our many awesome FitCampLA members who decided to step her game up and take her weight loss and results to the next level with our FitCampLA 28-Day Challenge [FitCampLA Whittier Challenge — FitCampLA Norwalk Challenge]. In the video below, Pam shares more about how she felt before finding FitCampLA and how her experience and results have been since joining FitCampLA. At day 20 of the FitCampLA Challenge, Pam is already down an amazing FIFTEEN POUNDS (and counting because there are still 8 days left!). Enjoy!

The Right Shoes For Your Training?

WORST. DAY. EVER. Let me tell ya… So, you have cute/cool gym shoes, right? You know, the ones that just look fast and match really well with a lot of your other gym gear. Apart from their looks, focus on the feel (for real) and ask yourself if they’re what your feet really NEED for the type of training that you’re doing. I’ve got some recommendations for you at the bottom of this article but first, let me dive into it with something from last week that should paint a clear picture and example as to why I recommend things the way I do.

Last week I got a lot of compliments on these shoes I was wearing… Bright and sporty looking, they definitely catch eyes. But were they really suited for me being on my feet for a day and coaching 4 sessions back to back?? (which includes jumping, running, agile footwork and swift movements, etc.) The crazy bright neon shoes pictured to the side here were solely created for the purpose of weight lifting. That’s it. Nothing else. A super flat and rigid sole with no squish/cushion or softness at all, a slightly elevated heel, and two forefoot straps to lock your feet in so there’s great maximum support with no movement inside the shoe during heavy lifts. I personally only use them for squats — and only on squat days where I plan to squat over 225 and up into the 300s… No I’m definitely not a powerlifter or anything like that but when I have 300 pounds on my back, one of the last things I’d want is movement and give inside (and coming from) my shoes.

So, back to the day last week when I wore these shoes to camp and coached all the sessions wearing them —- WORST DAY EVER (for my feet and up into my ankles and calves). I got to FitCampLA early in the afternoon to get some heavy squatting in before I set up for the sessions for that evening.

It went well except for one thing — I FORGOT MY OTHER PAIR OF SHOES. (which are much more suitable and comfortable for the tasks associated with coaching moving around on my feet for numerous hours.) By the end of the last session, my feet were DONE. As soon as the last client left I took those damn things off and drove home with no shoes. My feet and ankles were sore the next day too… Ughhh.

So what’s the point of this story???

Choosing the right shoes based on YOUR feet and the type of training you’re doing while keeping characteristics besides “how cute they look” as top priorities is more important than it may seem. Are you wearing the right shoes for your training sessions and workouts? Here are a few things below to consider when choosing the right shoes for your type of training.

1. Purpose / Type

If your training is pretty much all weight lifting and powerlifting, you’d definitely want to browse through shoes that are made specifically for that. Doing rock climbing? Browse through rock climbing shoes. Basketball? — You probably won’t be in the dress shoe section! 🙂 Sports-specific training that involves short bursts of sprinting (5 – 50 yards) and explosive jumping (maybe trying to catch/block a ball or things of that sort), a “cross-trainer” would suit you well.

What if your training is like what we do here at FitCampLA which is geared for optimal fat burning, weight loss & muscle toning/definition and involves a variety of aspects like strength training & weightlifting, running (1/2 mile – a few miles), ​agility & footwork, and bodyweight training and balance/stability work as well? (Yeah we love to keep it feeling new, fun, fresh, and exciting while never letting it feel like the same old boring gym routine!) For FitCampLA I recommend a nicely cushioned and supportive RUNNING SHOE. Cushioned meaning when you step into them, you can really feel some absorption and cushion with each step and a little bounce when you push off each step. Supportive means a shoe that still hugs your foot well support-&-stability-wise. Here’s a picture of the shoe I use… Pretty plain looking but a holy heckuva-lotta comfort, amazing cushion, and great bounce/response! (Plus I got them for less than 50 bucks!)

2. Comforts is King (& Queen!)

I understand that we don’t want a completely hideous or boring-looking shoe but your next priority after choosing the type of shoe based on your training, and comfort should be right up there too. Let’s say you’ve got a shoe that’s specific to the type of training you’re doing, cushions, and supportive but something isn’t quite right… Maybe it’s got a weird lump inside somewhere that feels quite odd (but it’s such a cute shoe!). Maybe it feels rather heavy (but it’s such a cute shoe!)​. Maybe it’s too tight in a certain area or has too much space or movement in a certain area. MAYBE IT JUST DOESN’T FEEL QUITE RIGHT (but it’s such a cute shoe!)​. Find the shoe that feels the MOST COMFORTABLE. Walk around in it a little bit and take some steps to the sides to make sure they’re nice n’ comfy for your feet.

3. Looks / Cuteness / Coolness

Once you have points one and two (above) narrowed down and squared away, then it is absolutely mandatory to choose the cutest and coolest-looking color scheme!!! 🙂 Hah!!!

Ok, so the moral of the story/article in a nutshell / long story short is: Happy feet will equate to reduced aches & pains and a happy workout experience for you with regard to the type of training you’re doing. Choose your shoes based on the type of training you’re doing, the comfort & fit, and leave the looks and cuteness factor for last.

Have an awesome day and take care of those feet!

Committed to your success,
~Coach Jonathan

6 Best Booty Exercises

BEST Booty Exercise #1: LUNGE

The lunge is an awesome exercise that targets the muscles of your butt, legs, and hips. Place one foot far out in front of the other foot, maintain balance and lower yourself down, keeping your core tight and your upper body upright and straight.

Lower yourself all the way down until your back knee softly touches the floor and your front knee is bent at 90 degrees. Stand back up and repeat for 10-15. Perform 6 total sets of 10-15 repetitions on each leg. For a more advanced version of this workout, hold a dumbbell in each hand.

BEST Booty Exercise #2: HIP LIFT

This exercise works the heck out of your glute muscles. To perform this exercise, lie on the end of a bench with your upper back on the edge of the bench, knees bent and feet on the floor.

While keeping your hands on your hips, lift your hips and butt directly upward and then lower them back down toward the floor. Hold at the top for a second, squeeze your booty muscles and lower your hips back down. Repeat. Perform 6 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

BEST Booty Exercise #3: BANDED SHUFFLE

Such an awesome exercise that gets the heart pumping and buns burning. To perform this exercise, you’re going to need a sports resistance band. Start in a standing position with both of your feet about hip-width apart and then wrap the resistance band around your lower legs.

Then lower yourself into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor, maintaining a straight back and keeping your core abdominal muscles tight and activated. While in this squatted position, take 10 steps toward the right, then go back another 10 steps to the left.

Feel free to hold your arms out in front of your body for added balance. Perform 6 sets of 10 steps in each direction.

BEST Booty Exercise #4: LEG LIFT

To perform a leg lift, lie down on your side while holding yourself up on your elbow with your other hand on your hip. Lift the top leg as high as you can so that both of your legs form a “V” shape.

Once your top leg reaches its highest point, slowly lower your leg and repeat 15-20 times, turn onto the other side, and lift the other leg.  Perform 6 sets of 15-20 repetitions on each leg.

BEST Booty Exercise #5: PLIE SQUAT

A booty-building variation of the traditional squat is the plie squat. This exercise will increase definition and enhance the shape of your butt. Start in a standing position with both of your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and keep your toes pointed outward. This is known as the “plie” position in ballet.

For added balance, keep your arms out in front of you. While maintaining a straight back and not hunching, slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold at the bottom for a split second and then when you get back up to the top, take another second to squeeze the booty muscles. Repeat 15-20 times for 6 total sets of 15-20 repetitions.

BEST Booty Exercise #6:  BOOTY BLASTER G.S.D. 9,000!

This is THEE best exercise to put all of the focus and concentration on the booty. To do this exercise, place both hands and one knee on a bench, keeping one leg off of the bench and completely straight.

From there, lower your straight leg down until your toes touch the floor, and then bring your straight leg back up just above completely horizontal. Focus on squeezing the booty muscles at the top of every repetition. Repeat 15-20 times and then switch legs. perform 6 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Burn, Baby, Burn!

These 6 exercises are awesome exercises to zap unwanted fat off your booty while enhancing the shape & definition. If you are not used to working your booty muscles like this, you will most certainly feel the burn and a bit of muscle soreness the first couple of days, but your results will be so worth your hard work!

And when starting these exercises up, don’t let failures from the past knock you down. It doesn’t matter to me how many times you’ve tried to transform your body and things didn’t work out – What matters the most is that you are motivated right here and NOW, so use that as fuel to fire things up and get moving!

The one and only way to transform your body (and your booty) are by utilizing the combination of dynamic exercises, a nutrition plan designed for your goals, and the correct resistance exercises focused on the thighs and butt. This is the championship combination that will power you through ’til you crush your goal.

Serious about reshaping your booty and transforming your body? Then CLICK HERE to take advantage of our FREE UNLIMITED ACCESS 10-DAY PASS! We’ll formulate & execute the perfect program which you’ll rapidly get you into the physique that you deserve.  Start today!